lunes, 15 de enero de 2007


I started making pendants for protection when going tower busting… the first time we used them in combination with a succor punch, and we were apparently invisible… last night we forgot to take our succor punch and we were also invisible… so maybe these work as protection and as invisible shields:) ! I have also found that connecting to the pendant, that is connecting to the orgonite around your neck, makes adrenalin rushes transform into a more passive security…

Two pendants (front)

Two pendants (back)

4 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

Hola Javi, Ale
No sé como puedo entrar en contacto con ustedes. Leo sus posts hace muchas semanas, en la pag de EW, me gustaría intercambiar opiniones. He intentado registrarme en orgonito (el de Rep Dominicana), pero no tengo autorizacion....
Yo tb soy del cono sur.

Anónimo dijo...

Javi, Ale, lo siento
(olvidé la doble rr)

Unknown dijo...

hello hello hello hello! i am so glad to have come across your site. i found it because i was reading some of your posts to the new love in my life..weasley.. a gifter from minnesota. i have begun to team up with hime...all of this is coming super de duper fast to me, but it is soooo beautiful! the amount of energy that is traveling through my body constantley, the individuals who are coming into my life. i am making sense of my last 5 years of intense stupor. i am not even 18 and wow! i feel like this has been a part of me for a long time!!!
i am an artist.
i jsut moved into a studio in a close town with a man who works with sustainable material...joel cole "everything earth" work.
i am finding my true medium
and i know it is going to have to deal in natural substance, wood, rocks, crystals, clay..

my wesely has given me some TB's and a very small pendent that he got earlier this year off of free orgonite. i carry it with me everywhere, and i am one intense being...the most beautiful thing of it all is the TRUE love that i have developed and uncovered for myself...realizing that so much of my recent life has all been centered around hating myself, others, much negativity

it scares me, but others more how i have truely bloomed from the inside out!! i have so much to tell you,if you are interested!!

life is beautiful, all of this energy that has been there yet, just recently re-emerged into my true concious is gorgeous!!!
the other night was totally lite up by some planes and spotlightes when we went and visited some towers...
open skies the other day,,, super low jets following along me,and then just vanished!!!

wow this is all too real,,,i am not baffeling to others; for my own protectence, yet i am letting out and giving gentle loving intellect to people who are totally over come by it, in a good way..
some thing big is coming,
i feel my genertion will take it pretty far, yet the 60's 70's lads and ladies, like my father, will ignite again,,, they taped into it before but were silenced fast and forgot about alot of it all...

i really want to start making orontie, jewelery..please send me any information..i have to go, but hopw to be in contact..i will be posting soon on warriormatrixx

power to the peaceful!!!


Tamara Arancibia + Michael Reveco dijo...

necesito saber donde puedo comprar orgonita porfa, soy de santiago...